After my disappoiting weekend at Talladega I've had lots to think about. For the first time since starting to track ride/race I had a weekend where I didn't feel that I improved any at all. Michelle gave me some good advice last night. She said that I was over thinking and over analyzing everything and that I should just get out there and ride. That's what I'm going to try to do Saturday.
My track group, NESBA, is having a track day this Saturday at Barber Motorsports Park in Leeds, Alabama. The elevation changes there and the wide track make for fun, fast but safe riding. There plenty of room if you make a mistake. I feel so much more relaxed and confident there than I ever have at Talladega where there is almost no room for error.
Last time at Barber I worked on my lines and being smooth and from the feedback I received I was able to do both of those. This time out I'm gonna turn it up a little and try to get more throttle everywhere I can. I'm getting closer to running a lap under 1min 50. I can run mid 50's now without scaring the shit out of myself every time so getting in the 40's is a reasonable goal.
One thing for sure, I'm in terrible shape and it shows in the heat of summer. If I'm gonna ride/race seriously next year I've got to shed some serious weight and get some endurance built up. I'm feeling very positive about the weekend.