Today is the day after Christmas and I'm still pretty excited. This year my "Crew Chief", Michelle, decided it was time for me to have some professional equipment to work on my bikes. She ordered a pneumatic motorcycle lift. Wow, this thing is awesome. It is going to make working on the bikes so much easier.
Since I now have some real equipment I decided the shop (basement) needed cleaning up as well so I've been moving and re-arranging and cleaning and painting all day. Hopefully soon the shop will look as professional as my lift.
One side benefit to getting this lift is that it will help remind me of my dad. He was an automobile mechanic all of his life. Some of my first memories are of smelling the grease on his work shirts. As a young boy daddy would take me to his shop at the Mello Dairy and let me help out with the trucks.
My main job was to fill glass quart milk containers with oil from a 50 gallon barrel. I wish I had a dollar for every quart jar I filled. Thanks dad.