Monday, August 22, 2005

DAMN IT IS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I attended the NESBA track days this weekend at Barber Motorsports Park or I should say that I "survived" the track days. The heat was unbelievable. Saturday all I could do was run about 10-15 minutes a session then come in. Sunday was a little better. I made 2 really good sessions in the morning but by the afternoon I was having to skip sessions. I also got to ride in the rain some Sunday afternoon. Riding a wet track is all about throttle control. You have to know exactly where the water is in every corner, especially on a drying track, before you can go quick.
This weekend I also picked up a new nickname, "birdman". My friends Gill, Tammie and Michelle were watching from the control tower. I got passed a little close in 5 by someone so I flipped him the bird. After that session Gill wanted me to teach him how to ride through 5 one handed while flipping someone off.

This was a fun weekend. I'm off next weekend to the friendly confines of Virginia International Raceway for more track days. I'm planning to race at VIR next year so I need some seat time there this year.